We have the tendency to clean our houses like crazy, but then forget the spaces outside of that realm. Our cars are a mess and even worse, our work desks are too. When was the last time your office chair or floor was deep cleaned? For small businesses that don’t have janitorial staff, it can be tough to keep the office clean. We have a cleaning checklist for your office manager! We realize this might mean a cleaning task or two for you, but it beats everyone in your office passing around viruses and colds all year long. We are sure you can agree with that!  

Daily Task:   

Clean up after yourself. Every day before you leave your work area, do an evaluation. Take 10 minutes and look around. Is your waste bin overflowing? Is there a dish in the sink that needs cleaning? Do I have food in the fridge? Is my desk in disarray? This is especially important if you work in an open environment where everyone has to see your space. It can cause unneeded tension in the workplace when a co-worker doesn’t pick up after themselves. Be mindful of others around you. Your mess can affect them too.  

Weekly Task List:  

Trash: Pick a day, maybe right before the garbage truck comes, and take all the trash in the office out. This might need to be something that needs going multiple times during the week, depending on the staff level and amount of food brought in. If there is a designated can for food, clean it out with disinfectant. Do the same with the bathroom trash cans.  

Dust: Wipe down your desk and other office furniture. Even if it does not seem very dusty, it will help to keep dust from accumulating and causing allergy problems. This will help keep the office clean!

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Vacuuming and Mopping: Depending on the traffic, try to vacuum and mop at least once a week. People go in and out, tracking outside remnants in. Remember, there is not usually a “shoes-off” policy in most workplaces.  

Wipe Down Glass: Wipe down all computer screens. You’ll never know how dirty your computer screen is until you do. They can get pretty grubby.  

Disinfect Touched Areas: Buy wipes or disinfectant and wipe down all doorknobs, light switches, keyboards, mice, phones, and anything else that has the tendency to be regularly touched. We know, you wash your hands “all the time” right? Well, do you know how much your co-workers do? It’s best to just put this into practice anyway.  

Bathrooms: This area is vital to keeping the staff healthy. Clean all areas, toilets, sinks, etc. We shouldn’t have to elaborate on why this is important. This is essential to keeping the office clean! 

Kitchen Appliances and Refrigerator: We are all guilty of forgetting leftover food in the fridge. Hopefully, it never gets to the point where it stinks and grosses everyone in the office out, but even the most mindful can be guilty of it. Pick a day when everything in the kitchen is disinfected and cleaned out. Your employees will learn in time to take their leftovers home, even if it’s the hard way.  

Monthly Task 

Wipe down Baseboards and Walls: Check for cobwebs, clean vents, windowsills, and baseboards. This will cut down on how much dust is present and can build up.  

Bi-Yearly Task 

Deep Clean Carpets and Upholstery: Depending on the traffic rate, your carpets and upholstery will need deep cleaning twice or more each year. This will help eradicate deep down dirt and viruses.  

Bottom Line on How to Keep the Office Clean 

We can all agree that we would all like to stay healthy and clean wherever we are. It means more work to be done, but it can be divided among the staff. One person should not have to carry all the burden. Get with your staff and devise a cleaning plan. For more tips and helpful methods, we recommend watching this video! If all this cleaning seems overwhelming for your office space, may we suggest our friends over at Gwen’s Gleam! We love referring them because they are great at the cleaning details!

If you need your office upholstery and carpets deep cleaned, remember Olmec Reflections loves to clean businesses! Give us a call and we will have your office floors and chairs healthier and restored!