Do you have a Winter Maintenance List?

We know… that looming, “winter is coming” bit is here. Time is of the essence! Before you know it, you will be using your fireplace, turning up your heat, and settling indoors when the snow starts to fall. Before all of that though, you will need to take care of some home winter maintenance items.

Let’s get your house ready for Winter!

It’s time to check that your snow shovel is ready to go! Here are some great winter maintenance tips to prepare for the snow and ice over the cold winter months.

Olmec Reflections Winter Maintenance Tips

#1 Stock Up on Winter Maintenance Supplies.

Old man winter will probably make a delivery of snow on your drive at least once this winter. Conditions could be bad enough that you should not drive or can’t. Be prepared to stay in for meal times. Stock up on at least a few days’ worth on non-perishables to wait out a winter storm. You should have a stockpile at all times for emergencies. Here’s a kit you should have in your home at all times.

#2 Make Sure Your Back-Up Generator is in Good Working Order.

When the power goes out in the summer, it can be annoying. When it goes out in the winter, there is another word for it! Make sure your back-up generator is ready to work. Here’s a list of the top generators for 2024.

#3 Wrap Indoor Pipes.

Protect your pipes from freezing and bursting, make sure they are well insulated. In the unfortunate case that they do freeze or burst, make sure you know where the water shut-off valve is.

#4 Your Fireplace Will Need to be Inspected and Cleaned.

The chimney should get winter maintenance every year! If you have a fireplace, hire a professional to inspect and clean it. This will prevent that bird’s nest that was built during the summer from catching on fire. It happens more often than you would think. Also, check your flue when it is closed for a tight seal.

#5 Wrap up yard work.

Trim bushes one last time for healthy growth. Fertilize and reseed your lawn. Trim tree branches that are close to your house and power lines. Snow and ice could weigh heavily, causing them to break off and cause damage. Store all your outside tools and furniture. Turn off the outside water access. Here’s an extensive checklist.

#6 Inspect Your Heating System.

Replace your furnace filter. Clean your ducts for optimal airflow and prevention of unhealthy air quality. Turn on the system and monitor if it’s running well. If you have trouble judging, call an HVAC professional. 

#7 Inspect the Roof.

Before it gets too cold and icy, take a walk around the roof. If you are not okay with heights, you can use a pair of binoculars from the ground. Make sure there is no visible damage that will cause problems. Check the flashing and seals around the chimney. While you are in the area, inspect your gutters and downspouts for proper drainage.

#8 Check Your Windows and Doors for Drafts.

Stopping drafts is an important winter maintenance tip. Your utility bill could be lowered, just from making sure your house is air-tight. Use weather stripping or caulking around problem areas. Replace any damaged windows and/or door frames.

#9 Take a Peek in the Attic.

Does your insulation need to be replenished? Are there any unwanted critters taking up residence? All of these are questions that can be solved by just checking out the attic. Look over ridge vents at the eaves to make sure they are free of debris.

#10 Check all fire extinguishers, smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, and first aid kits.

safety supplies Winter Maintenance Tips

Most modern detectors will alert you when their batteries need changing, but it doesn’t hurt to check. Be sure you have a well-stocked first-aid kit for emergencies. It’s something you should always have, but especially when you are stuck.

Check your fire extinguishers to make sure they are in working order. They should have a pressure gauge.

Whether you are ready for the change or you fear it, it’s coming. Best to be prepared rather than not. Your house, utility bills, and residents will all thank you for doing so. If your floors need a winter refresh, Olmec Reflections, your flooring contractor, is here for you.