Furniture Care Protection

One of the last places people think about for deep cleaning might be one of the most important—their furniture. Consider how much skin-to-fabric contact happens daily. Beyond the “gross” factor, dirt, oils, and grime can weaken your upholstery fibers over time. Proper care not only keeps your furniture looking fresh but also extends its lifespan. Here are 5 essential furniture care tips to help keep your pieces clean and durable for years to come!

Follow these tips and never doubt letting your friend sleep on that couch!  

Furniture Care Tips

1. Use Covers

 One of the best ways to preserve your furniture is to just cover it. Shop for options that fit your size furniture. A budget-friendly way to go is to grab a fun sheet or blanket and cover where there is the most action. Make sure you swap it out at least once a week, depending on the amount of use. This makes cleaning easy, as you just have to throw the cover in the wash. It’s a great route for those who prefer low-maintenance options.  

2. Pet-Proof the Furniture  

For those who want their pets to enjoy comfy furniture too, use the above furniture care tip; throw a cover over wherever they might lay or sit for easy care. No worries about all that animal hair if you can just take the cover-up and wash it. Worried your cats will cough up a hairball? Covering where they reside will help with easy cleanup.  

Cats scratching up your couch? Provide a lot of nearby scratch pads or scratching posts for them to divert to. Make sure you reward them for using them, reinforcing good behavior. If they are still having trouble, use sticky tape where they scratch.  

Furniture Care Tips

3. Pay Closer Attention to Furniture Care 

We truly don’t want to go there, but since the issue is so prevalent, we feel we must. Bedbugs. Just saying the word makes people want to run. However, running will not solve the issue. We must be honest and face it head-on. This is probably one of the most important furniture care protection tips out there.
Do a deep check into all the nooks and crannies of your fabrics. If people are reporting rashes or bites after sitting on your couch, don’t ignore it. You can acquire these pests just by hugging a friend at the grocery store. They are super resilient and difficult to deal with. If you find you have a problem, even a small one, it might be best to just call an exterminator. Here’s one we trust! We know it’s embarrassing, but it is pertinent that you solve the issue for your health and the health of all those who reside on the property.  

4. Vacuum Upholstered Furniture Surfaces Regularly  

Just because dust isn’t visible on your couch, like it is on your table, does not mean it is not there. Perhaps one of the best furniture car tips is to vacuum your carpet and sweep your furniture with an upholstery attachment at least once a week, depending on traffic. It will prevent dirt and dust from getting embedded.  

furniture care tips

5. Have Your Furniture Deep Cleaned Once a Year  

This is necessary to get the deep-down dirt and bacteria that build up over time. Getting it professionally cleaned by Olmec Reflections will also make it feel and smell like new again.   

Bottom Line for Furniture Care Tips 

See what our clients are saying about Olmec’s approach to furniture care… 

Whether it’s your dad’s favorite armchair or an extra place for your friends to sleep, it must be clean. We clean our bodies, dishes, floors, pets, etc. Why not give something we come into contact with every day the same care? We hope these furniture care tips have helped! If you can’t remember the last time your upholstery had a deep clean, call us or book online today! 

Schedule Upholstery Cleaning with Olmec Reflections Today!

Scheduling professional cleaning at least twice a year, or as needed, can ensure that your furniture (and carpets!) receive the attention they deserve, removing deep-seated dirt, allergens, and stubborn stains while prolonging their lifespan. By trusting in the expertise of professionals, you can enjoy the continued beauty and comfort that your furniture brings to your home.

Our local North Cincinnati & West Chester Ohio carpet cleaning and upholstery services will also provide you and your family with a healthier living environment.  Contact Olmec Reflections today and ask us about our gentle approach to extending the life of your furniture today!