Reducing Common Pet Problems By Facing Them Head-On

We all love our furbabies, but sometimes they can be difficult to take care of, especially with common pet problems. Despite them being family, we must remember that they are still animals. They will have natural instincts to do unpleasant things, like urinate on the carpet or scratch up the furniture. There are ways to curb these instincts successfully! Let’s solve your pet problems!  

1. “My cat is scratching my furniture up!” 

Cats will naturally want to scratch things to shed their claws and mark. First, provide them with an attractive alternative. There are flat cardboard scratching pads and upright scratching posts. Some might prefer one over another. Doesn’t hurt to have both. Place them in prominent locations to deter them from the furniture to minimize these common pet problems. Make sure you are rewarding them with a head pet or a treat after they use them. If they still have trouble, put some double-sided tape on the area you don’t want them to scratch. That should do the trick!  

2. “My pet is shedding all over everything, more than normal!”  

common pet problems

Pets shed, especially during seasonal changes. But there might be something else at play. They also shed excessively when they are stressed or have dry skin. This could be because of their diet too. Carve out five minutes every day to groom them thus eliminating much of the common pet problems relating to dry skin.

If you think they have dry skin, try adding some fish or olive oil to their food. Determine what might be causing stress and address it. They might just need extra love during that thunderstorm or when the mail arrives.  

3. “My pet is misbehaving, jumping up on people, making unwanted noise, etc.” 

For any unwanted behavior, positive reinforcement is the key. Give them a treat or a good petting for using the litter box. Ignore unwanted behavior, especially if it’s been more than a minute. They will not understand what you are scolding them for if it’s been 5 minutes from the incident. If you are training, make sure the environment is free from distraction. Don’t make it longer than 20 minutes. They will lose focus. End on a positive note, rewarding them. You might need a professional if it seems impossible.  

4. “My pet is urinating where they shouldn’t.” 

This is the most pertinent and frustrating of all common pet problems. It could be a bad habit that needs some training, but it could also be medical. If you have cats and they aren’t using the litter box, it could be because of a urinary blockage. They see the box as “painful” and will go elsewhere. Take your cat to the vet and have them checked out. Make sure you have the appropriate number of boxes (1 for each cat +1). Place them on each level of the house, giving them easy access. Clean them very regularly too. Some cats are just picky and want a clean litter box.  

With dogs (especially house-trained ones), it could be health-related as well. It doesn’t hurt to have them checked out. Mostly with dogs though, it will come down to training. When they are puppies it’s much easier to accomplish, but still challenging. With older dogs, they could just need to be re-trained. Be prepared, because it could take a while. Be consistent with it and pay attention to triggers. Use positive reinforcement. Clean up completely so they can’t associate that spot as an acceptable place anymore. Seek out a professional if it seems too difficult.  

Bottom Line for Common Pet Problems

Our pets are our family. They help uplift us during hard times. Make sure you are treating them with understanding and care. Please contact your local veterinarian for more advice on any of these common pet problems. We are not animal experts but speak from experience.

Pets can be messy, but that’s what Olmec is here for! We’ll take care of the mess, to leave your house pet stain and odor-free! Book our carpet cleaning services today and add on pet odor control!