What Areas Did You Forget to Clean?

Sometimes our lives can be so busy that we only leave time to clean just before company comes over. You rush around cleaning everything in your line of sight, and then the house looks nice… from what you can see. After the party is over, check out this list for all the places we forget to clean. This list will also help you avoid using more elbow grease later when dirt has really built up!  

General Area Cleaning 

These are areas that can be in any room you forgot while hitting all the surfaces. Some surfaces might be out of reach or just some dark corner no one sees. However, when you sit down and really get a good look around, they are noticeable. If you are allergic to dust, tackling these areas will ensure cleaner air!  Places we forget to clean throughout the house include:

  • Ceiling Fans – The blades will get gunky and dusty, depending on where they are. Using a duster might be enough, but if not use a wet rag.  
  • Baseboards – No one looks down there! Well, they might not, but the build-up can be an eyesore to anyone that glances. Hit them with a wet rag. Use a magic eraser for scuffs or spots.  
  • Table Legs – We never forget the table surface, but what about the legs?!  
  • Lamp Shades – Depending on the material, use the wand on your vacuum or a wet rag. Remove the shade to get a deeper clean.  

Touchy Spots We Forget To Clean


Over the last few years, we have learned how and when to wash our hands all over again! What good does that do when afterward we touch a surface that has been touched by unwashed hands? You can only do so much, but keep these surfaces in mind at least once a week with some anti-bacterial cleaner. Don’t let the places we touch repeatedly become one of those places we forget to clean in your house.

  • Door Knobs and Light Switches – Boy do these get germy! Double team these room by room. 
  • Remote Controls – While a commercial is on, clean that controller! Be careful not to get too much liquid in between the buttons.  
  • Your Phone – For something that is always in our sights, this is one of the #1 places we forget to clean. Our phones can often be the culprit for the transport of sickness and disease. If you want to deep clean it, power it down and use a disinfectant wipe or cleaner. Let air dry for 5 minutes before turning it back on. Consider doing this daily. At least wipe the grim off the screen with a microfiber cloth.  

Cleaning The Kitchen 

clean coffee pot

Heaven forbid this hits the “places we forget to clean” list but it does. These are areas that are usually out of sight and therefore, out of mind. Don’t feel bad though. The areas we list rarely need to be sanitized for food safety, but if they are avoided for too long, they can be a hazard.  

  • Top of the Refrigerator – You may have a blender or an extra stockpile of paper plates up there. That’s probably not the only thing living on your refrigerator though. When is the last time you gave it a good wipe down? Run your finger along this area and if you don’t like what you discover give it a good cleaning!  
  • Oven Hood – This one is important, as it is directly over a cooking area. The surface underneath, facing the burners, can get really greasy. After that grease sits, hair and dust have great potential to stick to that surface. Make sure you wipe these areas down right after cooking to avoid that issue.  
  • Coffee Maker or Tea Kettle – It’s one of those places that go unseen and harbor a lot of buildups. Run vinegar through your coffee maker and boil it inside your tea kettle. These ones are a bigger health concern, as you consume straight from them.  

Cleaning The Bathroom 

Like the above, you’ll want to hit these areas more aggressively for the betterment of your health. We know, the bathroom is the least fun of all the cleaning areas, but it must be tackled. Some places we forget to clean in the bathroom include:

  • Shower Curtain & Liner – If your curtain is fabric, toss it in the washing machine every few months. Plastic liners can get mildew and mold build-up quickly. Spray them with a bathroom cleaner often and replace them when they are unsalvageable.  
  •  Hair Styling Tools – It’s funny how we forget to clean items that we use every day, like your hairbrush or curling iron. Soak these tools in water with a drop of vinegar or Castile soap.  
  • Bathmats – These shouldn’t get too dirty if they are just there to catch our clean, wet feet after a shower, right? Well, just like carpets, they catch all the remnants in the air, pet dander, dust, and more. Just being in the bathroom gives it a good reason to be washed. Throw them in the laundry at least once a week.  

Bottom Line for Places We Forget To Clean

We know that not everyone can have as much fun as we do while cleaning. Here’s a little motivation that we take on every job we go on – cleaning is an important job that keeps us healthy. At Olmec Reflections, we relish the idea that we help cut down on the allergens in the air and the bad bacteria on the floor. By cleaning, we have made a direct and positive change in our clients’ lives. Just take an hour or so out of your day, turn on some good music, and tackle that cleaning listHere’s a more extensive list. It will go faster than you think!  

Speaking of places we forget to clean… sure you clean your floor, but when is the last time it got a really good deep clean? If it’s been a while, give us a call or book online today!