People want to believe that it is a lot of effort to keep your floors nice. It really is not. Amidst the rush of daily life, it’s easy to slip into the habit of doing the bare minimum when it comes to maintaining your living space. This approach often results in a reactive stance rather than a proactive one, which can take a toll on the state of your floors. From sporadic sweeping to neglecting your vacuum, these practices can lead to less-than-desirable floors. But don’t fret – we’re here to offer you practical tips to regain control and ensure you keep your floors nice.

Equip Yourself and Maintain Your Tools

Before you push the power button on the vacuum sweeper, there are a couple of things to check into so that it can do the best job possible! First, empty the debris receptacle. Knock it against the side of the garbage can to loosen debris. It will run a lot better when it’s clearer.  

Next, pay attention to the brush roll. If you have long hair, you’re familiar with the challenges it can present. We’ve seen hair clog up brush rolls to the point of motor burnout. Counter this by cleaning the roll every time you vacuum. For more severe cases, consider detaching and cleaning it. Post-vacuuming, don’t forget to clean the filter. A thorough rinse will maintain strong suction.

2. Use Preventative Measures that Make Sense for You 

keep your floors nice

Not all floors will require the same maintenance or care. It’s difficult to map out every situation that is possible, but if you think about your lifestyle, you can plan according to it. For instance, do you have a pet? If so, consider their shedding. If they shed a lot, you will need to vacuum more often to keep the floor from becoming a hair hierarchy. Here are some options for finding the best vacuum for a hair heavy home.

Another example is kids. They don’t really think about what might happen if that saucy meatball rolls right off their plate and on to the new carpet. But you should. Consider having them eat at a table? Provide them with a bib or a sheet (depending on the child – you know at least one child like this). When you take all the possibilities that make sense to your home, it’s a lot easier to keep your floors nice!

3. Keep Up on the Cleaning to Keep Your Floors Nice 

Avoid using extra cleaning tools, time, and elbow grease by cleaning more often. It might be extra time you will have to carve out, but it will be worth it. There are health benefits as well, like allergies being less intense and bad bacteria being less harmful. If you are having trouble working it into your schedule, recruit some help! Set up a chore log or ask a favor from that friend or relative that’s always coming over. People are more apt to help than we realize.  

We’d like to share a story of some on-the-job pain we’ve experienced. We visited a new client and cleaned the carpets. All was well while we were there. After we left, something interesting happened that’s actually more common than people realize. Stains appeared on the surface of the carpet. The client called and told us what they were seeing. We asked them when the last time they were professionally steam cleaned. They could not remember. If this sounds familiar, it’s because it happens all the time!  

What the client was experiencing was called stain-wicking. This occurs when a stain sits deep down in the padding for a long period of time, but is then brought back up to the surface. When we did a deep clean, we brought up the stain, but it had been there so long that it kept wicking for a longer period than normal. If you have carpet, don’t wait, have it steam cleaned at least once a year to keep your floors nice! It’s a lot harder to keep your floors looking nice when you hold off on necessary maintenance like a deep cleaning.

Bottom Line 

Hearing the phrase “it’s too late” really is a shame when something unfortunate could have been prevented. Don’t be too hard on yourself when this is the case. There’s no going back, but it is a learning opportunity! Now go forth and treat your floors with special care that works for you to keep your floors nice!  

Are you having trouble thinking of the last time your carpets where cleaned? If so, it’s time! Book a carpet cleaning today!